It’s no fun to be in a long and arduous agency search, only to find out you were oversold on what they can do, and undersold on what it would cost. So we built an agency model where you can avoid all of that, and get exactly what you are promised. In fact we build the agency specifically for your needs, and you pay as you go, without commitment.

The name Cog isn’t an accident. (Or an attempt to be cute.) A Cog is a small, but integral, part of a bigger machine. It’s the piece that sets the other pieces in motion. We are less agency and more collaboration. For each and every project we partner with some of the best and brightest marketing experts in the world. Partners that fit a client’s needs exactly. We never mind being called a cog.
We custom build a team around each project with experts best equipped to accomplish the task at hand. So you get the right people, you don’t pay for people you don’t really need, and you are never passed off to the “B” team. It’s fast, efficient and results in better work.
Some Rules We Live By:

Retainers make agencies lazy. Quite frankly, deadlines and accountability keep us motivated. So we structure every assignment as a project.

We’ll never recommend an idea to you before we’ve met. Half of advertising is really understanding what’s right for you. You can’t do that if you’ve never met.

Sorry, we’re very efficient, but not so efficient that we can work for free. Starting a relationship off with favors is no way to build a real partnership.

In a cog, every piece is critical. That’s why every contributor shares in the profits of the project. Our clients get a team where no one is punching a clock.

Your fee is spent on people critical to the project, not fancy drapes and funky cubicles. Because we actually believe every dollar should count.

This is just a small sample of the work we have done over the years for our clients, from champagne to lunch meat, retail to
wedding locations and just about everything in between. Spanning all media, from banners to big budget TV production.

We are a collective of people from all disciplines of the advertising industry who have done famous work for many of the biggest and most iconic brands in the world. Our model is one that allows for maximum flexibility. We surround each assignment with the best team for that given assignment. Our ultimate value is the guidance, direction and judgement of our leaders, and unlike most agencies, they stay personally involved throughout every stage of your project.


What is this page about? Perhaps it was a typo. It was supposed to be (W)hen.
We might be making a point that sometimes you need to throw something unexpected into a piece of communication to make it more memorable.
Or maybe the site was getting too serious, so we decided to embrace Dadaism and take the piss out of the whole thing.
All we can say for sure is that you will remember this page, for good or bad.
Just like the team we assemble, we go where the project requires us most. While we’re based in New York, like a roving band of gypsies, we collaborate with partners all over the country and the world. And having no big fancy office means we’re always more than happy to come directly to you. We do have an office, but unless you’re into ogling printers and claustrophobia, you’ll probably never see it.
Contact us directly by clicking on the phone or mail icon below.

Perhaps you don’t have an agency, and need one to help on a project. Perhaps you’re about to drop a ton of money on production and media, and want to make sure you have the best ideas possible. Perhaps your internal team needs some inspiration. Or perhaps there’s a project that is out of scope for your AOR. That’s what we’re built for. Tell us what you can afford to spend and we'll customize a program for you.
Creative Cognition Workshop
A bunch of brains in a room to help you tackle a creative challenge
½ day workshop
2-4 creative experts
2 Cog partners
Includes strategic prep for session
Possible Output: Topline Report, Creative Concepts. Strategic Areas. Product Innovations.
Creative Push Project
When your creative needs a little “push”
2-3 weeks
2-3 top creative teams
Includes in-person briefing, strategic supervision, and one checkpoint along the way
Delivers 3 campaign directions
Creative Full Project
When you don’t want an AOR, but need
a campaign
Strategic Cognition Workshop
When you need an outsider’s perspective
4 hour session
1 Strategic planner, 1research analyst, and 1 category expert
2 Cog partners
Includes prep for session
Possible Output: Topline Report. Strategic Concepts. Product Innovations, Consumer Insights
Brief, strategy insights, creative, tissue session, creative delivery, creative supervision of production
$200K +
Deep Dive Data Audit
When you don’t need new research but you need someone to to look at the old research with a brand new perspective
Deep Dive Brand Audit
When you need a new way to think about what the brand really stands for
2 week analysis of qualitative and quantitative data
2 Cog partners
½ day worksession
Possible outputs: Topline report. Insights.
Data Visualization, Strategic/creative concepts
Stakeholder interviews to unearth the brand DNA
Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data
2 Cog partners
2-3 weeks
1/2 day worksession
Possible Outputs: Brand briefing
Existing Strategy Assessment
$70K +
We Never Work For Free